Thursday, May 6, 2010

Application software and students today

Is application sosftware , word processing systems to be specific , is promoting laziness among students. Is it robbing the culture of learning wereby students had to research and write essays correcting errors by themselves. I don't know. This is a topic under discussion.

Well I think word processing systems are indeed helpful in writting essays. For instance you are given a four thoudand word assignment one would probably lose count while writting because it would be very difficult to count four thousand words.

Looking on the other side of the coin it sort of promotes laziness because one person can become too reluctant to correct grammer or spellindg mistakes.

Anyway I am a student and I really think word proccessing systems come in handy when I am tired or having too much work on hand. Seriously imagine having two two thousand word assignments due on the same day in the same week. You can't possibly write the both , count the words and correct the grammer and spelings manually. The lecturers are giving students these long assignments knowing that there is the taechnology that can allow people to write a grammatically correct assignment on time. I seriously don't agree with the fact that application software is encouraging laziness in students.

This is the technological era and students have the right to take advantage of it. The person who thought knew that it would come in handy especially in the world of academia...What do you think?? food for thought..


  1. this is good, keep blogging

  2. I also agree with you D, application software isn't promoting laziness in students because with the technological era writing with pen and paper may soon be replaced by whats the use of correcting your own grammar right now when you won't need to do it by yourself in the near future.

  3. I don't really think that we should be blaming the word processor for our laziness. The only thing that people should keep in mind is that computers take what ever input. So it is our responsibility to make sure that we feed the computers with the right information for us to get best results out it.
